If I Can Make 189.00 in a Day Using FaceBook, You SURELY Can

If I Can Make 189.00 in a Day Using FaceBook, You SURELY Can!

Just so you are aware, I'm not a social media guy at all... do not interact a lot there and have very little experience turning the time spent there to money in my pocket. I just don't do that and when I was talking to a friend that knows me well, he was very surprised that I am delving into this medium.

Originally I played with it a couple of times and earned "Take my wife out to breakfast" money, which was nice but not the sort of projects I typically work on as I prefer more long term sustainable methods that are more "Take my wife out to Ruth Chris" money.

I had thought about the idea some since he posted it a couple of weeks ago since it was such easy money and kicked around the idea of how I could turn this into a method I could clean out any issues and tweak, automate it and then fold into my current revenue streams.

For me to add any methods that I will work consistently they have to be able to be automated as that is the easiest way to make any real money in the IM industry and I'm pretty lazy so it is a prerequisite.

First though, I ALWAYS operate on a manual basis so that I can see what actually works and what is just spinning my wheels and although I don't often share my wheel spinning failure ideas, I have more than my fair share. Sharing them though is a waste of time as we rarely learn from others' failures as much as we learn from our own.

First thing I did when Trepanated originally posted was to slap together some copied content onto that site page, throw in some CPA links and spam FB with just the page. That was OK, made some money, and would probably work until the cows come home but it would not generate the next level of money unless you hit a zillion pages.

So, I did the following:

1) Bought some domains with the domain names the niche I was going to target. I had some CPA offers that I know convert with targeted traffic and used KWs for the domain that are associated with the offers. I'm no genius as that is just common sense and I am sure it helped with the CTR to the site from FB.

2) Set the domains up with content and images. Images are important as they show up in a FB post usually and the first paragraph of content has to be a little compelling as FB will post a snippet of your content usually too. I have about 400 words on a landing page with images that relate to the offer and 4 different times I ask them to click through. They look a little spammy to me as I'm not a guy that does those kinds of pages but I know what is required to make a decent lander and multiple requests for the "click" is important.

3) Wrote up 20 different lead ins for the posting. Posting just the url is lazy for starters and not a presell and you need to presell this to get the most out of your posting on FB. If you are going to just post the url I promise you won't have any where near as an effective campaign and if you are doing this for money (why else would you spam FB) you want to take the extra few minutes and do it right.

I would post the lead in and the url in each post rotating the lead ins so there was no "Charlie posted this in here and on 47 other pages" or whatever that message actually is. That is a sure sign that people will see spam and not click through when they see it from FB as much. You need to have several lead ins that you can rotate for your posts or you'll get those messages.

5) I posted to the 50 different groups 3 times a day - First thing in the AM, around noon or so and near the end of my work day about 5:00 PM or so. I did this all manually so it was a bit of a pain as I had 51 tabs open in my browser and it slowed down my laptop some. (Ram, I gotta' get some more ram!)

Here are some of the results from the people that saw my posts:

  • I got a bunch of traffic to the sites - pic below of statcounter for that one site.
  • I generated 189.00 in revenue for the day and that is the first day and still in test mode and ONLY hitting 50 pages.
  • I got a whole slew of likes on my posts which kind of cracked me up.
  • I got a bunch of shares as well which was really cool to see.

I'll be testing all week long and once I iron things out I'll automate this process as much as possible using some of the tools that are out there.

Remember, I'm not even a ROOKIE at this sort of promotion and if I can make a decent buck at it you surely can.

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