5 Years On BHW + Some Of My Favourite SEO Strategies/Tips/Advice Inside 15,000 Words..

5 Years On BHW + Some Of My Favourite SEO Strategies/Tips/Advice Inside 15,000 Words..

^^ Apologies in advance to anyone who may be "offended" by the above picture. It's just a bit of fun.

Full credit for the resource for the above picture goes to Sherbert Hoover. I just shamelessly copied him, lol.

Alright, I've got your attention now.

This thread took a while to put together. Had to go back and forth several times to add in different things.

This thread was actually supposed to be up on the 30th October 2015 to mark my 4 years on BHW.. but that ended up getting delayed as I felt the information I shared wasn't good enough. I had 2 options - to either post what I had or to either wait and add a few more bits and bobs to make the thread slightly more valuable.

I went with option 2. So I added a few more things and told myself it'll be ready to go up on 1st Jan 2016.

Well, that clearly didn't happen, lol.

A month later - February 2016 - and I had time to finally polish the content and post up this thread. I can't guarantee everything I talk about in this thread is going to be ground breaking or revolutionary.. but I really hope you learn at least 1 new thing from this thread!

I joined BHW in 2011.. and I've come a long way from back then. Check out the type of stuff I used to post back in the day.

1. Here I made a thread asking how much a PR 4 website was worth (this was back in the time when PR was in demand). This was approx 5 years ago. I now sell several successful BST's on BHW's marketplace, I've worked with some brilliant companies in the UK and around the world, I have an inventory of several sites making money on autopilot.. and the best thing about all this is that all credit goes to BHW. 5 years ago I signed up to this forum with the intention of learning and making some money on the side. My goals in life were not to be a SEO or an Internet Marketer. It was different. However, without sounding cheesy or dramatic, BHW is the sole reason why my life goals and objectives changed. 5 years later and I'm a completely different person. If there's 1 thing I learned from all this, it's that no matter what happens in your life - things will eventually start to work out - providing you put the time and effort into it. I see too many people sign up to this forum and immediately expect to be spoon fed an easy way to make money. That's not really how it works. Put all your time and focus onto 1 thing and stick at it. You're bound to fail, and if you don't.. well, you're doing something wrong. Keep failing and keep recovering from each failure. The feeling when you finally reach your goals cannot be explained in words. I never imagined myself to be in this position 5 years ago. I still wake up at 5PM sometimes, brush my teeth and smile to myself at the amount of freedom I have in my life due to the type of work I do. It doesn't matter if you're a "noob" or a beginner right now. Sooner or later, you'll be an expert/success in your field if you put the work in.

2. This post still makes me cringe uncontrollably. I don't know what I was thinking. I still remember the advice 'Jazzc' gave me at the time. @Jazz, if you're reading this, I owe you a beer (even though this was 4 years ago). Long story short - I didn't get the girl. I was young and stupid. Looking back at all my posts, I can't help but sit here and facepalm myself every few seconds. I made some seriously awful posts back in the day. Good old days.

3. Here's another stupid post. I had to prepare for an exam with 24 hours notice and I was losing it. This was back in the day when I didn't really know what I was going to do with my life/future. Back then, any money I made on the side was just "side money". I went from making no money, to making some money, to making lots of money on the odd occasion to switching to IM/SEO full time and making a consistent stream of income. Almost every single piece of information I learnt over the last 5 years is seriously thanks to BHW. I can't say it enough. This place is like my home and a lot of the members I've had the wonderful opportunity to talk to are like family. I hope to be making another thread like this in another 5 years time, lol.

Here is something I said back in 2012 on a thread:

"IM may not be the right thing for me in 5 years. What I do in IM may not work in 5 years. I don't want to take that risk so Im just going to do IM as a side thing as a hobby."

Well, almost 5 years later and I can gladly say - everything is going well for me! I ended up taking that "risk" and "leap of faith". I ended up putting in all the time I had into BHW and absorbing the information on here. And well, it all went from a hobby to a full time profession I absolutely love.

What a journey it has been. I am so grateful for the people I've met from this forum, the advice I've gotten and the level of support I've received from a lot of members here.

I can still remember the days in 2011 when I would message Greg (BassTrackerBoats) asking for advice + the times when I used to troll/mock Thomas (Meathead1234) for being bald. (I was quite "childish" back then I guess, lol).

I hope I'm not the only one who also remembers having to submit a really long application in order to get a BST reviewed/approved, lol.

I really don't want to start naming all the members I've met/spoken to over the last few years as I'd be here forever and I would hate myself if I missed someone out by accident.

Anyways.. I think that's about it for my long speech. Once again, thanks to BHW for making me who I am today.

In the next few sections of this thread, I'm going to talk about some of my favourite tips/strategies that I have been using for the past few months with unbelievable success. I've mostly used these strategies to rank my churn/burn sites.. and I've been super busy the last few weeks scaling everything up to another level.

This is what my Serpbook currently looks like for my churn/burn sites:


That's approx 80+ churn/burn sites - of which most are ranked and is making money. The biggest advice I can give (which I'll go into a bit more detail below) is to scale everything! Even if you have a site making $20/day.. that's $6720/year (providing that the rankings are steady and consistent). If you scale that up to 10 sites... that's $50K+/year. Scale that to 100 sites and that's $500K+/year.

Okay.. obviously it's not going to be easy to create 100 sites that generate $20/day.. but you get my point. If you find something that's working well for you, scale it up. Rinse and squeeze every last bit of earning potential you can from it. I also have a few longer term sites in the works but I'll leave that for another day and another thread.

Here is a quick list of the different tips/strategies I'll cover on this thread:







As I mentioned at the start of this thread, some of the things I talk about below may not necessarily be "new" to a lot of you. However, I'm confident and almost willing to bet that you'll find at least 1 thing which you didn't know before.

(Especially section #3 with the expired Twitter accounts... I'm quite confident a lot of people don't know what these are).

I could of easily posted the different tips/strategies above as individual threads but I quite liked the idea of having everything in 1 place

So, with all that being said, I hope you enjoy the different sections of this thread. Instead of putting all the information on this main post, I decided to split it up so that you can easily view the exact section you want to read about.

Happy reading.. and if you have any questions feel free to give me a shout and I'll do my best to help out.
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